
検索キーワード「biggest blueberry in the world」に一致する投稿を表示しています

√ダウンロード world record largest strawberry 938967-World record longest strawberry

Mexico was the sixth largest producer of strawberries in 10, behind the US, Turkey, Spain, Egypt, and Korea Although Mexico's production only accounted for 5% of world production in 10, it is the largest exporter to the US market Its exports have increased dramatically in the last two years Mexican strawberry production was 229,000 tons in 11, slightly up from 10 (Fig 3)Residents of Irapuato, Guanajuato, were foiled in their attempt to set the Guinness World Record for the world's largest jar of strawberry jam March 13, Survivors say Santa Rosa cartelResidents of Irapuato, Guanajuato, were foiled in their attempt to set the Guinness World Record for the world's largest jar of strawberry jam March 13, Survivors say Santa Rosa cartel Archives Director Discovers Lost Film Of Plant City S Not So Shortcake World record longest strawberry